Saturday, January 4, 2020

One Awesome Christmas 🎄🎄🎄

This Christmas was truly awesome! At school we made gingerbread houses. But it was sad because my friend, Tanner, was moving away. I thought I wouldn't see him again, but on Christmas Eve, he and my other friend Haydn knocked on my door and asked If I wanted to play basketball. I brought Johnny along, and we had a great time. Including jumping on pogo sticks, playing tennis, and just having fun. About half way through, a boy from my church class came over to play. The boy was mostly quiet at church, and didn't volunteer very much, so it was cool I was able to connect with him. This season, I was trying to really feel Christ's love, and focus on Him during Christmas. I wasn't feeling anything at all. It made me kind of frustrated. But on Christmas Eve, we watched a video, and I really felt that feeling I was longing for all through the season. Later, my family bore there testimonies, and I was able to share that moment I felt. It made me really happy. I was also able to meet with the bishop and get interviewed so I could be worthy of a temple recommend. Some questions he asked I didn't understand very well, but words seemed to just come out of my mouth. I knew it was the Holy Ghost helping me know what to say. And finally, Christmas presents!!! I got a lot of cool gifts this year. From Santa I got a Lego DC Super Girls High school. It was really fun to build and play with. I got a new jacket, and a gel nails kit. I also got a new, glass chess set. My previous one was missing all of its pieces, so I was really excited when I got this present. My mom got me a few books from one of her favorite series. The first book is called Princess of the Midnight Ball. It easily became one of my favorites too. I had a pretty awesome Christmas.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hey! Dad and I went hunting together, and it was all thanks to Johnny! Well, sort of. I think it helps that I made chocolate chip pumpkin cookies, but let me back up. Dad was thinking about taking us somewhere, either hunting or the Bigfoot Trap. I did NOT want to go to the Bigfoot Trap, I wanted to go get a pheasant. Through much debate, we tried to figure out what to do. Mom suggested Dad and I go together. That sounded great to me, but we still weren't sure. When Johnny confirmed he wanted to stay home, it was official me and Dad would go together. So we got on orange clothes, and headed out the door with Rosco. When we got to the sign-in, there was a HUGE wasp nest. So me and Dad continued along. We went through long grass, and muddy ground, but I had lots of fun! When it came clear the pheasants weren't out, we practiced tracking with the dog. Dad hid twice, and Rosco could NOT find him the second. He told me that we need to get a real hunting dog! When I hid, Dad and Rosco couldn't find me, until I called out and they heard me. Afterwards, we headed home, and on the way, we got In n' Out! It was delicious! And I enjoyed every second of it! 

Worst Soccer Game Ever 😒😒😒

Hey! Today was Saturday, though it didn't seem like one. That's because I had to wake up early to get to my soccer game, at 8:00. When we were on the way there, (Just me and my mom) we accidentally went to YSA, not the YMCA. Then we had to turn around and head right there. It took us a bit to find the field, but we did! And I started warming up. When we got up to play, all the girls on the other team seemed so mach bigger. I was Right Mid, and I was nervous. 1.) because we were short on players and could only put 7 out instead of 8. 2.) because I wasn't sure where to play. 3.) I was nervous about the girls on the other team. The game started out with the girls scoring a goal.😒 Then they stole the ball and made a goal. 😒 Then another goal, and another, and another. 😒 In this time we made it up the field a few times. And when a got the ball in the opponents half, somehow I got tripped, my cleat was off my foot, and another person's cleat hit my foot. Ugh. Luckily, it wasn't bad and I could keep playing. Towards the end of the first half, we started working as a team, yelling, cooperating, and almost scoring goals. But the referee blew his whistle, and it all went down. Second half, we were hardly getting even past the halfway point. Then, I got assigned to defense. It was out of my comfort zone, especially since I was doing pretty well in offense. But I followed the coach's orders, and went down to defense. When I played there, I didn't think I did to well. Mom said I did good, but it just was difficult for me. I guess I can only get better! Later the coach called me in, and had me switch to Left Mid. That was a HUGE relief. I got up field a few times, but mostly tried to stay open in between the eighteen line and midfield. I think the most frustrating thing was that our team just wasn't clicking. I think that just made it hard for me to know what to do...Hopefully next week we have a Best Soccer Game Ever, or at least a Suitable Game Ever! P.S. In the picture below, you can reconize me by my pink socks!

Caity Out! 😒😃👍

Friday, September 27, 2019

Very First Entry!!!

Hey! So this is my very first entry. Mom helped me set it up. And it's my very own. Today I had Safety Patrol. My shifts are Thurs. and Fri. mornings, 7:25-750. Yesterday I had soccer and piano lessons. Plus I had to get ready for today. I'm thankful I did though, because it was a hectic morning. When I woke up, Mom was already up. And better yet, I smelt french toast! When I came out of my room, I got breakfast, got dressed in my set out out clothes, picked up my prepared backpack, and got on my tennis-shoes. My brothers were still eating by the time I was done getting ready. We arrived at the school on time, and I hurried out to the front office. When I got there, I saw Ethan and Cole carrying out barricades, flags, and vests. They explained we were short on people, and Ethan and I would take care of barricades, while Cole, the captain, did flags. Normally, two people were in charge of flags, and Cole ran around checking on people. But I guess some people couldn't show up or get subs. Barricades is where you set up movable signs in the street, and stand right in the middle of them. This has proved to keep cars out, though it is very boring. My shift ends at 2nd bell, so I was counting down the seconds until it would ring. It did, and I loaded the barricades on to a dolly, and steered toward the building. And a monitor joined me while going to her post, and we had a nice little conversation. I went inside, put the barricades in the Safety Patrol closet, and headed down the hall to Mr. Jonston's class. Ethan and I waited until Music in the Morning finished, and headed in the classroom to unpack. Math was pretty uneventful until we did our Friday Math Game. We split into four teams, and one of us from each team take turns answering question at the whiteboard. It was a bummer when I was put with kids who struggle with math. Of course, we lost, but had a good amount of points considering our group. Then it was library, so I checked out a few books, and went out to play at recess. My ultimate favorite game is handball, so I played that with all of the boys. And I was actually not that bad. After 15 minutes of playing, it was time to go inside. We mostly studied for tests, and took them. At recess, it was the same business. In kahoot, I got 2nd place, which pleased me. The day whizzed buy, until we did chorus. We rehearsed Glory Train, and Sloop John B. When we did Glory Train, some of us tried out for a solo. I didn't because it was to low, and didn't seem like the solo I wanted. And then we practiced Sloop John B, until it was time to leave. So, it was a long day, but I'm grateful there isn't another one tomorrow! 😃😃